Of course you’ve heard the expression, “Content is King”. While this is my belief, the barrier to entry for live streaming video is low. Virtually anyone with a smartphone can produce a live stream and become the next live streaming celebrity with millions of followers. NOT! A lot of live streamed shows I watch lack substance. Audience wants and needs are not taken into consideration and there is no interaction between the content creator and viewers. Aimless content may get some views, (maybe) but there will be no longevity. Just because you may want to show off how you cut your hair, or a new pair of shoes, doesn’t mean anyone besides you is interested, unless your content is compelling. Content comes first. Hello?! And it’s not just about the views either. It’s about the engagement of your audience.
Did you know: 80% of those watching live streams are doing so from a mobile device? That means the same people are multitasking. The goal is to capture their attention. Your show needs to be more important than anything else they are doing.
How is this accomplished? Create valuable and relevant content that a live audience wants to see and hear. Get your audience involved. The more engaging your stream, the more important you become. It’s important to get likes, loves, happy face emoji’s, sad emoji’s even angry emoji’s. Key Point: When you get reactions, your audience is engaged. It increases your chances to dialogue and build a connection. Answer all comments and questions, even after your program. Make your audience feel important. Listen and listen good! Let your audience determine the direction of your programming. Valuable information means you are relevant. Continue the dialogue by posting until your next stream. You will build relationships and they will come back for more while you continue to gain new viewers. This takes time and hard work, but the payoff can be huge.
About the Author Clifford Sobel is a live streaming strategist and live video producer. He founded the Streamcast Network and hosts the Facebook live show, “Anatomy of an Entrepreneur”. You can find out more about Cliff and The Streamcast Network at streamcastnetwork.com. Contact: [email protected]