Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook live is the new “golden age of online video”. Is it true? I think so, but live streaming video is evolving so quickly, it’s bigger than Facebook. New Platforms (aka CDN’s, aka Content Delivery Networks) are popping up on a regular basis. Many CDN’s are looking for content creators. Please Note: Your success in live streaming probably won’t happen overnight.
Here’s what you need to be successful: Resourcefulness, creativity, drive and persistence. It’s not easy and unless you already have a large following, live streaming knowledge and lots of cash, be prepared to work long and hard. Sometimes you’ll wonder why you have gotten yourself into this mess. But if you truly believe in your message and have passion, you can work through the struggles, the learning curve and your fails.
There are a ton of opportunities in the world of live streaming, but like anything else, it takes work and time to hone your craft and build an audience. So, get on your mule, ride up to Sutter’s mill and start mining. There’s gold up in them thar hills!
About the Author Clifford Sobel is a live streaming strategist and live video producer. He founded the Streamcast Network and hosts the Facebook live show, “Anatomy of an Entrepreneur”. You can find out more about Cliff and The Streamcast Network at streamcastnetwork.com. Contact: [email protected]